Emails, Resumes and Interviews... Oh My!
15-September-2014 | Denver, CO
For the past month and a half or so it's been pretty much the same daily routine... Wake up, make some coffee, breakfast sandwich, email check all the job alerts for the day, spend about 2-3hrs sending emails/resumes, take a break to watch some netflix/fantasy football management, then do either some a) Editing or b) Cinema 4D for the rest of the afternoon/evening. Being unemployed straight up sucks. The most excitement I have is when I receive the sporatic response email or phone call promting me for an interview. A couple weeks ago, such a phone call came in that sent a little flutter in my heart: Altitude.TV. The pride of a majority of Denver Sports (Avalance, Nuggets, Rapids and Mammouth) I was more than excited at the possibility of helping shape the culture of sports television in the city I love, oh so much.

As such, in about 2 days of goofing around in C4D and a day shooting/editing some video, I created a little "Special Report," a cheeky little faux-report announcing my signing with Altitude Sports. The guys I interviewed with seemed to enjoy it, so I figured I'd share it here as well. Still waiting to hear back but *fingers crossed* any day now!Check It Out!

Soft Launch Today!
11-June-2014 | Denver, CO
Today I unofficially launch the site. Nothing fancy, just a portal to all of the glorified home movies I've shot and edited since moving abroad in late 2011. As most of the full-length edits run upwards of 1hr 30min, and for privacy sake, this site will mostly just host trailers and shorts/clips from the features. Thank you to all my friends and family who have supported me and have tolerated hours of speaking to my cameras instead of my face. I Love You All. Follow me on Twitter (@NickTheFoote) for the Official Launch News, including a sweet Trailer, later this month!

New Nikon P&S: AW-110
26-February-2014 | Dubai, UAE
Those who have spent any sort of significant time around me, know that I can be fairly clumbsy around breakable things - namely electronics. Whether it be an iPhone, USB Hard Drive, Macbook, or most recently a Nikon P&S camera, eventually I'm gonna drop it, spill something on it, or simply bump it just right. Well my trusty go-everywhere, shoot-everything, trusy little Nikon finally took it's last drop last night. It's been around the world with me, and it's labor can be seen in every recent movie I've posted, but it has made it's last image and must be retired. Enter the replacement... I've been eyeballing the Nikon AW-110 (I got it in Blue) for several months now, it's appeal to me should be obvious considering it's Waterproof, Shockproof, Cold-Weatherproof... Essentially: Nickproof. I'm not gonna bore you with a review, there are plenty online, but know that I've sacrificed both a wider FOV and larger max. aperature of the old camera, for durability (not to mention a slew of additional little tech perks). Only time will tell how the new hotness will perform. Looking forward to it.

Dubai New Years Eve 2014 - Short
08-February-2014 | Al Ain, UAE
Working backwards on my Dubai/UAE edit, I wanted to share with you (about the closest to finished as it's gonna get) the NYE segment from SANDANCE - Nassimi Beach, Atlantis, Dubai. As you may have heard, this was a World-Record Breaking fireworks show. Honestly, I didn't really care what I was shooting with my little Nikon P&S, I was just so in awe of the display.Check It Out!

South Africa Trailer!
27-January-2014 | Al Ain, UAE
Finally completed. Featuring highlights from Nick and Duanna's 2 week trip to the East Coast of South Africa. We were able to see tons of wildlife, some Zulu Dancing, Nick's 1st experience driving on the "wrong-side" of the road, and he also learned how to "Braai," Local-Style. Great fun with Duanna's amazing family who were more than generous with their hospitality.Check It Out! Website Announced!
18-January-2014 | Al Ain, UAE
I think I was about 3-4 glasses deep in Jack & Cokes when I deceided to stumble my way over to GoDaddy and register the website. But in my experience 3-4 glasses deep for me seems to be the optimum conditions to harvest good, nay, GREAT ideas. So, lets see how this goes. It's been several years since I've done any sort of web-related development, as a result, this make take a while and ultimately not function in all browsers, or get updated regularly or any number of other issues that might occur with this GREAT, Jack-Inspired journey.